White Star 9

5 Conversations


The Technical Stuff

Length:450 meters
Mass:7 million metric tons
Crew:38 Human and Minbari Rangers
Power:Quantum Gravity Reactor 3 Fusion Reactors
Duration:15 Years
Weapon:1 Quantum Beam Cannon
2 Pulse Cannon 4 Fusion Cannons
1 Shadow Cutter
Naqadah Limpet Mines
Centari Mass Driver
Web Missiles
Tornado Missiles
Vortex Mines
Ion Cannons
Seismic Mines
Concussion Missiles
Lightning Guns
Defense:Vorlon Bio-Armored Hull, Gravity Tractor Beams, Vorlon Shields, Minbari Holographic Veiwer, Minbari Stealth Device

The Crew

There are 38 crew members made up of Human and Minbari Rangers

The Historical Stuff

The White Star fleet was built by the Religious Cast of the Minbari Federation in co-operation with the Vorlon Empire just prior to the Shadow War, they were given to the An'la'shok (Rangers)1 for the purpose of intelligence gathering and the odd combat mission

The Bridge

In the center of the bridge is the Captain's chair, to the right of her is the Wepons Officer, behind him is the Communications Officer. The veiwing port is situated in front of the bridge (as usual) also a secondary device is avaliable a holographic viewer which allows you to keep track of the battle all around you.

The Crew Quarters

The crew all have their own cabins with Minbari beds ( the Minbari sleep on the slant as they believe sleeping horizontal invites death), it takes a lot of getting used to

The Galley

That's kitchen to you, if you like Minbari food it's ok luckily our cooks are now serving human food as well. The dining hall looks like any other, tables, chairs, tea and coffee machine (a request from the humans), papers, books, magazines,and a monitor showing news and entertainment

1The An'la'shok are a group set up by the Minbari to spy on the Shadow but after the war they became Peacekeepers a kind of 23rd century UN

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