An Introduction to The Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band

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You've heard of the Urban Spaceman and danced the Monster Mash, now meet the people who were behind some of the craziest shenanigans of the 60s - the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band...

Named after George Studdy's famous 1920s/30s postcard puppy Bonzo Dog and the Dada anti-art movement, The Bonzo Dog Dada Band was formed circa 1962-1965 by Vivian Stanshall and Rodney Slater, flatmates and students of London's Royal Art College. Dada was soon changed to Doo Dah, and the band soon started on a highly successful pub and club circuit in London and northeast England.

Drawing from the comedy and novelty songs of 1900-1930, their wearing 1920s clothing, eccentric music hall tradition and their antics and comic sketches led to comparisons with The Temperance Seven, Spike Jones and His City Slickers and Sid Millward's Nitwits. As Neil Innes famously remarked, "We're not doing a Temperance Seven, we're murdering them."

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