Driving in Countries where Left/Right Swaps over

3 Conversations

There are many who have experienced this I am sure - you travel to another country, hire a car, and then realise that the wheel is on the other side of the car. DON'T PANIC! The following tips will guide you through the transition to "the other side":

1) Irrespective of whether the car is manual or not, if you have a centre-shift make sure you hold it/rest you hand on it as much as possible. (This will prevent accidental gift shifting of the window)
2) Begin reciting the mantra: "Drive on the other side - the other side" continually for the first hour of driving - after which sporadic murmuring when turning should suffice.
3) Rest your non-shifting hand on the window sill/arm rest - this will further underscore the fact you are in a stupid car with the steering wheel on the wrong side.
4) When in traffic - follow the cars in front - they usually know where they are going. This doesn't always apply but if you do accidentally follow another car and end up where you're not supposed to be, the excuse "I just did what h2g2 told me to do" is sure to confuse all concerned when asking for directions.

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