The h2g2 Poem

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Crows in the Garden

Why don't you shoot those damn crows?

My neighbour asks while taking a break

From cutting his grass too short

And declaring war on the wasps and honeybees

That have just pollinated my cucumbers and squash.

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I like the crows, I reply.

Without them the bugs would ruin my garden.

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They're ugly and loud, he declares.

I don't want them eatin' my corn.

You need to stop feedin' the damn things.

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If I stop feeding them, I tease,

They'll eat your corn for sure.

Besides, thats a mighty poor corn crop.

No self-respecting crow would eat that corn.

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At least stop makin' pets of them, he grumbled.

That one with the broken wing needs shot!

He finished his iced tea

Then went back to killing wasps.

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The bent-winged crow hopped onto my picnic table

And cawed loudly to get my attention.

He flew to the birdbath and repeated his call.

He waited for me to bring the hose and refill the bowl.

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We looked at my neighbour.

I stuck out my tongue.

The crow did the same.

I laughed, and he cawed.

Then we went our separate ways.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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