The Science of Discworld

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Up in the confines of Unseen University, in the city of Ankh-Morpork, next to the Circle Sea, upon a world that lies on the backs of four giant elephants that in turn stand upon a giant star turtle... a thaumatic experiment in the squash courts goes wrong.

The wizards have accidently created a universe inside their omniscope.
However there is one part of that universe that intrigues them.

They've found a small green and blue ball that has started to create life... Thus the wizards name it: Roundworld.

This book is a combination of our known science and a mini-discworld story put together by Mr. Pratchett and doctors Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen...

What the book does is present a chapter of discworld, where the wizards watch the events of this strange planet, followed by a factual, but comedic, scientific stance upon where the wizards are coming from and why OUR doesn't make all that lot of sense!

They confront the big bang, Darwinism, and the rise and fall of the dinosaurs plus more all in one big chunk of the Earth's short history (be it a few hundred million years).

What the books shows is that are world doesn't make a lot of sense but it surely will help us understand it a lot more and realise that we're not really that big a species..!

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