General Guidelines to beat bureaucracy

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General Guidelines to beat bureaucracy

Do not even try to repair all the defects, alert other users for the risk at certain boundaries and walk around them.

If this strategy fails you can always try to lure the bureaucracy by "just doing what they ask you". Fill in all the forms you can find, even if they might seem off topic, replaceing wrong subjects with the desired. Leave enough fields untouched to generate feedback while the forms can not be applied. This way you also get the hand on more obscure forms, witch might come in handy.

If this strategy fails (unlikely for the real pighead), you can go underground. That is study the rules (laws) deep, study deeper until you have found the bottom. On the bottom of the rules you will always find something wrong. Use this on the top level again, you are becoming an expert in the form business by now, so this should be easy.

If this fails, you can try all strategies at once, thus overwhelming the system. If some smart official notices what you are doing, he might grant you the permit, as officials think they have to do enough already without users adding workload over the top.

If this fails also see to become member of the rule-making order in the officials ranks. By now you are as an expert in their topics as any of the other rule makers. Do not forget you just started this quest to get something simple done.

An Army officer in fancy uniform comes in :
"Hereby I declare this form unacceptable anyway."

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