My Kitchen

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Welcome to my kitchen

I invite all of you in to tell me about your day and help yourself to anything in my cabinets and fridge. It's a very good selection, although some might say it's a little single minded and not very diverse. For, as you can see, everything in my kitchen is devoted to making chocolate chip cookies. smiley - smiley

Why chocolate chip cookies?

If any of you knew me from RL and lived where I could see you nearly every day you'd probably know about the cookies already. I bring them everywhere.1 I make cookies when things call for a celebration. Jen needs to bring snack/dessert to a recital? Haul out the chocolate chips! And I also make them when things are liable to get stressy and everyone wants a way to unwind. Final exams are calling me.... And thirdly I make chocolate chip cookies for no apparent reason to give to one of my friends or to cheer up someone who is having a bad day. Need a smiley - hug? Have a cookie too.

Next question. Why bring this up now?

Okay, so the other day I was making chocolate chip cookies2 to send to two of my friends at camp, my last year's camp roomate and a v good friend from school. And I was also3 perusing h2g2.4 I realized that I had never made the connection between RL and hootoo where cookies were concerned, and I though something should be changed.5 And I'll also be leaving for a few weeks, so I thought this would be nice to get done before I'm gone.

So what's in this kitchen-thingy?

We've got a lot of stuff here, and as mentioned before it's all essential to the makeing of the chocolate chip cookies. First comes the non food items6:
  • mixing bowls7
  • mixing spoons8
  • electric beater9
  • measuring cups and spoons10
  • cookie pans11
  • spatula12
  • various other large appliances13

Okay, now for a list of food items. These are all the things I keep on hand so I can whip up a batch of cookies at a moment's notice:
  • butter/margarine14
  • white sugar15
  • brown sugar16
  • flour17
  • salt18
  • baking soda19
  • vanilla extract20
  • eggs21
  • And if any of you were to assume a vegan lifestyle I'd stock up with other necessities, like vegetable shortening/non-dairy butter and dairy free chocolate chips and egg substitute. 23

And hey, it's yet another list. List number 3 is for the major appliances.24

Have a cookie!

Now that you know what's here, take a cookie or two.31

Stop by anytime, if you're feeling smiley - blue or smiley - biggrin or even smiley - erm. Consider it a smiley - hug or smiley - cuddle for when I'm not around, and remember, you are loved.

1Relatively speaking. My cookies have followed me to a number of diverse occasions and I make them for lots of different reasons.2Surprise, surprise3This shouldn't come as too much of a surprise either4This is where the exciting part comes in.5This is where this entry comes in.6and their primary purpose will be listed like this7I should hope the purpose is obvious on this one. There are a few, in various sizes, because my favorite recipie requires mixing things in separate bowls first.8Another thing which I hope the purpose should be apparent for.9My lifesaver. It is much easier to cream butter and sugar and then do all the general mixing involved in making these cookies if you have an electric beater to help.10You don't really need me to tell you what this is for, do you?11see above footnote12Um yes. In the unlikely event that the cookies should become stuck to the pan this is for scraping off the remains.13Details to come in a later list.14the stick kind works best15actually no footnote on this one, but for the sake of uniformity I'm putting one in anyways16it's not absolutely necessary to have this. If you've run out, DON'T PANIC. Just substitute white sugar instead, although it won't taste quite as good.17I would hope this would be a given.18Don't leave this one out. Chocolate chip cookies made with a little salt always taste better. Besides, it's in the recipe.19not to be confused with baking powder20smells good, doesn't it.21not much to say here. Be nice to your chicken.22Of course. I use Nestle, but only because I like the recipe that comes on the back (for Toll House cookies) and I think they taste good. But that's not to say that other chocolate chips don't taste good.23I've made vegan chocolate chip cookies before, with Renee that were very good and would be happy to do it again if any of you should so desire.24toldja I'd write one25This is where all the food stuff (like flour) is kept, along with all the non food stuff (like the measuring cups). And no, I don't really care if most people wouldn't consider cabinets to be a major appliance. I'm not most people and it's *my* list!26Yet another thing for which I should hope the purpose of would be obvious27This is where I keep the eggs and butter, and also milk, if anyone wants milk and cookies.28Why a freezer? you might ask. Well, in here is a large hunk of frozen dough, ready to be baked or eaten raw as you so choose. There's also a box of frozen cookies. (They don't get stale if you freeze them)29In case anyone wants a glass of water. Or you can use it to wash dishes, but *I'm* not doing it.30self explanitory. This is where the cookies are kept.31or three or four or five...

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