ACEs and coffee

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Coffee no sugar or milk added is undoubtably the basic.

A spork, mostly used to dissolve the sugar, also useful to cool down the coffee, or to remove unwanted additives (any one seen some flys around here?).

You can add sugar to mask the slight bitter taste, and to become thirsty again and to add a significant caloric value, witch in turn will give an energy burst.
You can add milk also to soften the bitter taste or in the presumption it will neutralise the "poisonous chemicals" in the coffee. It turns out half the human population is allergic to cow milk why not try spermwhale milk.

you can add various sugar alternatives, even sugar replacements.

-Sugar cubes or crystal sugar are most common additives. They just mask the bitterness and add a somewhat slimy afterdrink.
-Sucrose powder does solve easy but requires quite a lot before a taste change occurs, the coffee starts then tasting like hot water.
-Brown sugars makes the coffee more heavy, do not add too much as it will result in slowness.
-Sugar-candy those large sugar crystals, just add one or two, you probably can not get them to dissolve completely, do not bother. By not dissolving them the melting process creates partly saturated solution areas in the coffee. This has a surprising artefact not all the coffee tastes as sweet and the bitter and sweet alternate on your tongue.
-Fructose does not solve easy but in light dosage it can add just the thrill of an extra energy inpulse without ruining the taste.
-Sugar repacements, none of the replacements add any real interesting taste sensations, the coffee without any addition.

Other dry additives

-A very small amount of cocoa powder, on top of the coffee, creates a whealth of tastes to be added. No discription available you have to try it. The effect can vary between various brands of cocoa powder, even the production date and freshness matter.
-A very small amount of cinnamon powder, on top of the coffee, creates a whealth of tastes to be added. No discription available you have to try it. The effect can vary between various brands of cinnamon or cassia powder, even the production date and freshness matter.

Other not so dry additives

-Add one drop of vanilla essence oil in a pot of coffee (say ten cups). Perfect as after dinner, very sweet smell, hardly any real sugars to upset your stomach.
-Add one spork of Ice Cream on top of your cup of coffee. Ideal would be a bucket for the coffee and a scoop of Ice Cream, covered with cocoa powder. Take forty two days to recover.
-Whipped cream has got some resemblance with the Ice Cream. You can still walk afterward.
-Whipped Yolk (sweetened) has a remote resemblance to the whipped cream relatively low on calories (and on lactose for the allergic).
-Slice of bread (can somebody tell those children I do not appreciate unsollicitated additives in my coffee) just a bad idea.

And the liquid additives

-As most used liquid additive milk, comes in any shape, powdered, condensed, pure cold and pure hot. If you do not suffer from milk intolorance, the best advise is to use pure hot milk, it adds a caramelic taste to the coffee. There is no conclusive advice over the prefabricated milk additives as some mainly consist of sugar and some contain substances you do not want to know. The cold pure milk is an excellent way for coffee-with-milk consumers to make "old" coffee ( too long on the heater ) in a shock to something less burned.
-If the coffee has been too long on a heater, adding cold water will shock the coffee in such way it becomes drinkable, be it weaker.
-For those really stuck on tea there is a mixture known. Just add a few drops of pure coffee to your tea to get an idea of what coffee could be like. The reverse is also possible, try few drops of tea in your coffee, you will know you are hardly missing anything.
-You need a though stomach to try the mixture of half a cup of coffee and half orange juice, but you know what, some do like it.
-For the alcoholics there is a whealth of additives mostly known are the after dinner coffee with "Grand Marinier" or other liquors. But even beer is known to taste specially for the hangover coffee party old beer is known to be acceptable.

I still prefer my coffee black, not even a spork to stirr.

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