A day with the kids

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A visit to earth-( european )-history

You parents know the kids always asking for more? I do.

Last I took them on a visit some friends on Earth.

We started off our trip with an overview of the pre-human-earth. My son insisted on visiting the dinosaurs. For safety reasons we landed in a frozen time frame near a Tyrannosaurus Rex. After sliding his tail a few times they wanted more. Fortunately they did not notice in frozen time you can walk over water, otherwise they would have wanted to hug the floffy animals on the other side of the river.

We continued to the Batons as the tribe of Nibbrr was called. He lives an a sandy shore with his wife Bannt. The other huts on the shore belonged to Shannt their shaman, she gathers the herbs and spices for all sorts of remedies her man Gebbrr is the musician. Also the hut of Doobrr and Vannt was still on the beach, they were out to visit his parents down the river.

Nibbrr invited us to his hut. We entered the hut bowing for the thatched roof. Inside there was a fire burning, ofcourse I had some ground coffee with me. He took a leather bag filled it with water and hung it aside the fire pit on a wooden stick supported by other forked sticks on each side of the fire. Then he touched a few stones swiftly to decide one to place in the water. He used some wooden tweasers to pick up the stone and pour it into the bag. He then swirled the bag a little to cool the stone and shifted another stone more close to the fire. Then he asked my doughter to pick some dry wood from the pile on her left.

We where seated on swine skins covering a layer of branches. Behind us skins covered the wall also made of branches. The roughly ellipsoid hut has a slit in the top where (most of)
the smoke goes out. The roof is supported by bark removed tree stems binded to each other with willow branches. Hanging on the roof are some bow-nets and fishing rods. The fire is placed in one of the centers of the ellips. Sitting around the fire the door is in the middle of the long side to our left. On the other side of the hut are laying a few antlers standing some spears and is a skin stretched with some diagonal sticks.

The water boiled and I poored some coffee in while Bannt stirs the mix with a spoon. The handle is made of wood with a bone fixed in one of the ends in the softer inner core. The other end of the bone is flat and rounded at the edges with a slit in the middle. After a while the smell of coffee is noticable in the smoke a little. Shannt entered greating me saying she smelled the coffee down the river. She brought some berries and a few crums of honey for the kids. Bannt gave all a little horn she had filled with coffee and the children a horn filled with water. I followed Nibbrr and placed my horn with the point in the sand of the floor. After introducing all and telling some storys of home and tele Shannt asked too much and I had to take here appart to convince her I could not answer all of her questions. She stopped asking if she could get the rest of my coffee.

In the afternoon Nibbrr, Gebbrr and me went fishing. We left the camp following the river in some dug-outs after a few turns the river widened. We paddled to some reeds and Nibbrr leaned over to search underwater. His hand came up with some twigs of a bow-net Gebbrr came alongside and together they lifted the bow-net on board. I had to peddle my dug-out in between theirs and they lay the bownet crosswise over the dug-outs. After placing their paddles in the bottom to fix their position they both grab with their fingers inside the bow -net and released the twigs of the lid. Tilting the bownet down with the open side into my dug-out all the fish and stones rolled over my legs. After replacing the stones and inspecting the junctions Nibbrr placed the bow-net underwater again. We visited some other bow-nets and Gebbrr caught a fish using his spear, he just cheered and held his spear in the air whe he caught it. After returning to the camp we joined the children playing in the water with a rush made ball.

We spend a good part of the evening roasting the fish and playing some drums flutes and some rattlers for the kids. Before we went to Home we looked at the sky together, Shannt still curious but she did not keep asking this time. I offered her a spare pack of tabacco but she refused.

Last days those kids were lots more comfortable with their lives here at Home.

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