Bio Bios

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Any "living" structure contains some sort of Bios as in a computer. The "manufacturer" does not provide a website with the most recent upgrades however.

The Bios as in biological systems is written in some molecules. These molecules are called DNA(1). The molecules contain a variety of information mainly to sustain under external environmental conditions. These external conditions are a thread to the DNA as these big molucules can be very unstable. Supporting chemicals create a shelter for the DNA and a way to express itself into a next generation. Do not get the idea the DNA is all you need to create a living structure. The DNA is just the software to be run by a specific environment to create such.

There are (on Earth) two distict versions of living Bios the most common using DNA in C-G and A-T combinations and a rare (alien?) version found in some viruses using RNA in C-U and A-T combinations.

Man in white coats try to create tools to read and write their own DNA, cutting and pasting technology is under development. It is merely an understatement that these tools and methods can be dangerous and even potentially destructive for all. But taken the perspective we even master the control of fire (a bit) we could survive these experiments. And in opposite of terrorists we should not deny the existance of the opportunity but focus all our resources to keep these things under control. Whether we like it or not some will figure out what we can do with this DNA and in the better interest of all we should guide them.

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