Poetry From My Head

1 Conversation


By Alina Ravkin

From the author: This is a small collection of my poems that I wrote in the past three years. Many of them were inspired by Queen or literature. Everything that was written here is a piece of my mind and closely related to me.

~What Have We Done?~

Look at the sun
Don't drop a tear
Isn't it grand
That we are still here,

Trying to move the mountains
That brush against the sky
Or dive into the fountains
That under the ground lie

It was different yesterday
And it will change tomorrow
Everything will go away
Except our pity and sorrow

We are all deaf and blind
Walking in this domain
We don't look behind
At outgoing rain

Among constellations of eyes
We can't see each other's faces
Only the darkness cries
In quiet forgotten places

~Italian Sonnet~

Just as a Lily struggles for survival,
Hiding in darkness every tender leaf,
Seeking for tepid shelter and relieve
In this despondent place with no revival -
My lonely heart is craving for your love.
It softly weeps at night with fierce pain
That violently rushes through my brain
And shoots into the black sky up above.

Distance and Time are keeping us away,
And I will never see your eyes again;
For there, At The Seven Seas Of Rhye,
Forever youthful and alluring you will stay,
Not knowing that the future is inane
When life is dismal and you want to die…

~To Talk Or Not To Talk~
(Parody on Hamlet's soliloquy)

To talk or not to talk--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The laughs and arrows of cruel people,
Or to stop producing any sound,
And drift in the sea of silence? To be deathly-still --
No more; and by sealing the mouth to end
The humiliation and the thousand moments
That make you feel uncomfortable--'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished: Shut up, to think.
To think, perchance to dream. Ay, there's the rub;
For in that quiet world what thoughts may come,
When we have closed all the doors before the sound
That gives you out. There's the respect
That makes agony of so long life.
For who would bear the stings and scorns of tongues,
The spiteful eyes, the killing smile,
The pangs of unbearable stillness, the sound delay,
The ignorance of men, and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might put his lips to rest
In a matter of seconds? Who would these fardels bear,
To hallucinate under uncertain life,
But that the dread of something when you're mute,
Misunderstanding, which brings you
All sorts of problems, puzzles the answer,
And makes us rather talk with the accent we have
Than try to pretend that we can't speak at all?

~Shakesperian Sonnet~

I ask myself - "To be, or not to be?"
Oh Lord, thy punishment's profound.
And I am bending down on my knee,
For all my hopes buried in the ground.

To die, to sleep - to sleep, perchance to dream.
No more to suffer. Ay, there is drawback!
If only I could grasp a faint gleam
Of those dreams so pleasant, yet, so black.

In that obscure, dreadful, distant space
Among the swarm of ugly rambling souls,
I am afraid to see my father Hamlet's face,
His torso weak the rags on him in holes.

Why fly to countries that we know not of?
When all I need is just a little love...


Standing on a mountain crown
Spreading widely wings
Watching the sun going down
Waiting for fair winds

Deferring voyage for morrow
I am the morning dove
Forsaking the bitter sorrow
Greeting genuine love

~Rhy's Jester~

A planet is in my hands
Like shiny little star,
I'm looking for my friends
No trace to where they are.

And then I see a face,
Rain wipes away all tracks.
A lonely empty space.
Vague shapes of Kings and Jacks

Keep me alone denied.
I'm nothing but a Jester,
Nowhere for me to hide.


The sky is blue and the sun is shining,
But why they aren't the same?
The words are strangely twining
They no more call my name.

On this land I am a stranger,
At home I'm a nobody now.
I can not find my angel
Who'll make me free somehow.

~I Wish You Were Here~

Oh, how I wish you were here today
I miss you,
Though I never saw you before
I can remember your voice,
But I never heard you singing

Through the endless spirals of continuum
My thoughts are running in a stream
Where are you?
And why did this room
Turned into a prison cell
With no doors or windows
Without any hope to escape….

~Record Player (Records)~
Dedicated To the Greatest Band In The Universe

Who needs them anyway?
Those old, rusty records.
They are big and heavy
Taking too much place on your shelf

So why even bother running
From one store to another,
Looking for your favorite album,
Hoping that they have it.

But when you turn on the music
Everything changes
As if you were somewhere else
In an old black and white movie

The music monotonously running
From a distant speaker
It seems nothing can stop it
Not even the turn of the century

They are sitting there
And you are here
Thinking about that time
When you weren't born yet

Suddenly you realize
That the music had stopped
But you still can hear the record player
Spinning its way around

You'll pick up another record
And the room will fill in
One more time
With that magical sound…

~The Black And White Ballad~

In the land where days were ever bright ,
And life was filled with laughter and delight .
The White Queen held her royal sway,
Honest in each and every way.

But under the cover of the night
The Black Queen cast her vicious spite.
Upon the kingdom did she bring
The mishap with her magic ring.

No more the birds of paradise
Sang their songs high in the skies,
And rivers turned into the mud,
The earth was clothed with tears and blood.
So many brave souls came to fight
The wicked ruler of the night .
For freedom of the land they bled,
And all of them were found dead.

The savior from the skies arrived,
And dreadful battle he survived.
Black Queen was thrown from the throne,
Left in the darkest den alone.

In the land where days were ever bright ,
And life was filled with laughter and delight .
The White Queen held her royal sway,
Honest in each and every way.

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