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Dolphins are not human.

Dolphins are mammals just like humans. The human race is beleived to have spend generations on the sea shore. This is to be held for the reason why humans do not have a fur, and under the skin a layer of fat. The dolphins probably did more or less the same while be it a few million years earlyer and they stayed in the water.

Dolphins are mammals

Dolphins give birth of live children. That is while they are mammals. Breasth feeding is difficult the milk is very fat and will stick together in drops like clumbs of whipped cream. Dolphins have a high organised social structure each animal in a group has its distinct rank. This ranking gives privileges for feeding, playing and mating.

Dolphins are predators

Do not underestimate dolphins behind their smile ( their mouth has in our eyes the shape of a smile ) they are feared predators. They feed on small fish, squid, crabs and a lobster at the time is also a good byte. The dolphins have various hunting strategies, they flock a school of fish togeter to form a "fish ball". This is not uncommon for swimming hunters as some whales, orcas, sharks and merlins have reported to do the same. More advanced is their hunting technique for sandy ocean floors. With their echo vision system they see through the sand to find hidden fish wich they dig out with their long mouth.

Dolphins do play ( do they have imagination? )

Dolphins are artists, they swim in choreochraphed patterns, just for their own fun. The most miraculous ever seen was dolphins playing with a thorus shaped air bubble. One of the dolphins made it by blowing a little air out and giving it a twist by his nose. An other dolphin caught it and balanced the water current surrounding the air bubble back toward the builder.

Dolphins make noise

Dolphins use their voice in a number of ways. Best known is their echo location system. They make clicking sounds and listen to the echos to determine the relative position of the reflecting objects. They use their voice also to stun small animals. By making a loud KLICK aimed by their nose they can stun a fish swimming right in front of them.

Dolphins like other animals communicate. They use a local dialect in every ocean corner. We know of an experiment to communicate with some dolphins. Unfortunately the results where never published due to a stop in fundings for the project. ( As far as known. The dolphins where anyway released. )

Dolphins are aware of their environment

Dolphins however do have a rather good understanding of their environment as an environment. Dolphins use their echo to see through each other they do not have to ask how was dinner, they just take a look inside one others belly. Experiments have proven dolphins can recognise three dimensional objects hidden from direct sight even if the objects are odly shaped. Dolphins do understand a mirror shows a reflection of light. Perhaps while they also see their own reflection by using their echo sight. Dolphins can watch television, experiments have indicated they like to watch skippy, animal documentaries and sporting events. They do not like to watch the news, soaps or political discussions.

Dolphins just could not find the stick someone thrown into the sea

There are numerous subspieces of dolphins living in any watery environment. The most kinds of dolphins live however in the seas and oceans.
Close relatives are the orca, a big aquatic nephew, and the dog a four legged land animal most people are familiar with.
Whales, manatees and doejongs are not direct relatives, they are relatives of the cows.

Research even to be started..

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