Taboo of 69

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With us many people will see the h2g2 logo in the multi perspective way as 69. Many DNA fans will also recognise this is the question Arthur found.

However some researcher pointed us on the fact this number is taboo. They pointed out it was a dutch taboo and later it became french too. Our research at that time revealed it was indeed a rather popular number. Complete websites are designed to display the point symmetrical figures in various shapes. The port number 69 in IP is used for trivial FTP a sub protocol of FTP for automated use.

We see the faces of the digits looking to each other, the only number with this property, so it must be friendly. We also see some rotation in the number it is the wheel of time to keep these web servers running processing a dialog. We see one number in the other direction as each time as we give these servers our thoughts, they provide us with thoughts by other researchers.

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