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What was it?

One day I was doing maintanance with a colleague, we were measuring control voltages for a system movement on an oscilloscope. After doing the measurement we saw both a phenomena on the scope we never encountred before. I use oscilloscopes ( inside out if needed ) for more then half my life now and still have never found a good explanation.

An oscilloscope is something like a TV, be it monochrome. It is a device to make electrical values visible on a screen. Using a cathode ray tube the values are time related displayed. A cathode ray tube uses high voltages making electrons move from the gun to the screen, if a scan is being displayed. So far the scope.

While watching the display we saw a point outside the scan line lighting bright. This was unusual enough for both of us to look down. The scope was positioned under the rack we were measuring. Standing face up so the controls were in our reach as we both stood on a side. We were measuring near high voltage circuitry ( 400VDC ) so we kept a little distance.
The system we were measuring at was down at the time so the scan lines where steady at the bottom of the screen. The lighting dot seemed to move. It was goung through the glass and through the plastic grid layer. A spark was jumping into the air, and at apx 15 cm falling back in a parabolic orbit landing between the control knobs.
We looked at each other in a puzzled way, did we see the same? After inspection of all connected devies and nothing strange found we agreed not to mention the phenomena in the system-log as it had nothing to do with the maintenance.

One day in last may, a typical MAYDAY (?). The children put to bed and read. We were watching the stars in our _\|/_ Garden _\|//_ ( now it looks like something ). I admit it is not very big, rather small actually. But it reaches high, you know like living in a big city.
Anyway we can see north from 40 degrees to south 10 degrees, east from 5 degrees and west from 75 degrees. And this may day was cold and clear, so we could see some stars. Not many but we are used to it.

Plains have coloured port lights, this seem to be to know where the plain is heading. I do not get it, if I see a plane I can see where it is going, even if they stop, then they will go down. Depening on the size they got stroboscopic lights. And if they want to see the cloud just before entering they have headlights. They create nice UFO's at times.

Satellites orbiting from the day side behind us where clearly visible. After passing their sunset, the use to faint away. One did not, it was an extremely bright object already when coming into view from the west. Passing our zenith we agreed we did not see any coloured light nor the stroboscopic lights, just the reflection of the sun.
We had seen other satellited disappear at zenith=90 degrees to 80 degrees east. This one should go before 90 while it should have a low orbit for its speed and brightness. It did not we began speculating it could be a rocket or a plane nothing fitted. It stayed the same brightness until it eventually lower than any star disappeared behind the roofs.

what was it?

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