Tales From The Toy Box

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Welcome good reader and let us once more enjoy

A tale from the Toy Box, fun for every girl and boy.

The Toy Box Marching Band

Toot, toot, humpa, thumpa, crash, boom, bang

We are the Toy Box Marching Band

Up and down we march all day

Playing our instruments any old way
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All in red, we look quite a sight

But sadly our music would give even the deaf a fright

It's not that we're bad, we're just not very good

Though we play all the right notes, they never sound as they should
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Some say we are tone deaf, some say we don't try

Often hitting the low notes when we should be stretching for high

Maybe they're right that our music is a bit sour

Even though sheet after sheet of notes we devour
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Our stepping in time is not up to much

Probably because Stanley the trombonist walks with a crutch

He's missing a leg, after falling under the drum

Never did walk the same, but that doesn't stop his fun
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We tried fixing the leg with glue, got in a terrible mess

Accidentally glueing Arnold and Horace together in a wee bit of stress

Arnold couldn't put his flute up to his lip

And Horace, well lets just say his drumstick was stuck to his hip
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William the trumpet tried to pull them apart

Causing poor Arnold and Horace to smart

Roger fell over his triangle with glee

And received for his pains a large hole in the knee
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So you see we have troubles, marching together

As most of us are ever so slightly under the weather

Plus our instruments have seen better days

Old and tatty, and not cared for in many different ways
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We may not be good, but we give it our best

Never in time, out of tune with the rest

Toot, toot, clatter, blatter, crash, boom, bang

We are the Toy Box Marching Band

The End

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The Toy Box Archive

As told to Greebo T. Cat

Wilson Brown-Bear

21.08.03 Front Page

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