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I have been visiting <tit> and his family last quikend. They live in the woods nearby the dry spot where we connected to the Guide.

The last danda has been very dry in these woods, the sparse rain dried before the soil was in turn to refresh himself. A couple of squirrels jumping in and out of the trees. Some birds fly between the undergrowth. The bird start picking in the leaves, jumping from one branch to the other using a vibration of his wings to stay on course. He has a ty and a bowler, his tailcoat covering all the back. His yellow spencer just lower then the elbows. Hipping from a twig to the leaf covered floor he starts to move the leaves. While picking anything that moves he is on a constant lookout for predators.
His little daughter following him onto the ground also touching leaves to find some bugs. She has a small mask over her eyes some kind of priest cap on her head. She is wearing an yellow Tshirt, a little pale as if it has been from her older brother.
They get company by the others of the family flying in near straight lines from shrub to shrub. Sometimes a single bird goes to the tree tops.


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