Season 3 (BTVS)

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ANNE: Buffy's in L.A. hiding from her friends, her family and her destiny as the Slayer, but she is forced to face who she is when something demonic is threatening kids living on the streets.

DEAD MANS PARTY: It's another Buffy party, as the Scooby's organise a welcome home party for Buffy, emotions are high between the gang as zombies break up the party

FAITH, HOPE AND TRICK: There's a new Slayer in town, a new villain, and a new love interest for Buffy....and the return of another character.

BEAUTY AND THE BEASTS: Oz wolf is the suspect in a brutal murder, and Buffy secretly discovers that Angel is back from hell

HOME COMING: Buffy and Cordelia compete for Home Coming Queen and are hunted in a competition of a different kind, Willow and Xanders friendship takes a turn,

BAND CANDY: Candy sold by the Sunnydale High students causes the adults to act like teenagers, with some interesting outcomes, ending in a face off with Giles' old friend Ethan.

REVELATIONS: Buffy is in trouble with the Scooby's when they learn of Angel's return, Faith's new watcher comes to town, but is not all she appears to be.

LOVERS WALK: A broken hearted Spike returns and kidnaps Willow and Xander, and hearts are broken when a secret liaison is discovered

THE WISH: All hell breaks loose when a vengeance demon (Anya) grants Cordelia's wish, that Buffy never came to town, and an alternate universe is created where vampires rule...vampire Willow mmmmm...

AMENDS: It's Christmas and evil haunts Angel, torturing him with visions of his past kills and urging him to kill Buffy.

GINGERBREAD: Haunted by the discovery of two murdered children, Joyce rallies the town into a witch hunt.

HELPLESS: Buffy's 18th birthday means a secret rite-of-passage test by the Watcher's council, putting Buffy in danger and Gile's in an awkward position, which ends with him losing his job as watcher.

THE ZEPPO: Xander tries to find his cool thing and makes some new friends, while the rest of the Scooby's get ready to fight, as the hellmouth is opened.

BAD GIRLS: Buffy's new watcher arrives, Faith lures Buffy into her world of reckless abandon, with fatal results.

CONSEQUENCES: Buffy struggles with Faith's lack of remorse as Trick is sent to kill them both, Faith initiates an alliance with the Mayor

DOPPLEGANGLAND: Anya Wreaks havoc again when a spell goes awry, bringing Willow's vampire doppleganger into the Buffy-verse...and again vampire Willow mmmmm...

ENEMIES: Faith and the Mayor conspire to steel Angel's soul, but they aren't the only ones with a secret conspiracy.

EARSHOT: After Buffy is wounded in a fight with a demon, she is infected with the uncontrollable ability to read minds, which threatens to drive her insane and also uncovers a plot to commit mass murder at the school, and the gang must save the day.

CHOICES: The gang all faces decisions about their futures, and Willow is taken captive by Faith and the Mayor when Buffy tries to take the fight to them.

THE PROM: Buffy and Angel must deal with the impossibility of their relationship, as devil dogs are released to kill the Sunnydale students...and Sunnydale High Class pay tribute to Buffy.

GRADUATION DAY, PART ONE: As the Mayor prepares for his ascension, Buffy must face Faith in order to save Angel.

GRADUATION DAY, PART TWO: As the hours tick away to graduation, the gang call on the whole class for help in the fight, and with Angel near death, Buffy risks her iwn life to save his.

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