Small Screen Surfin'

2 Conversations

Small Screen Surfer by Wotchit

Surfin' through Running With Scissors last week, I noticed a small mention of Wile E Coyote which asked if he would ever catch Roadrunner.
That inspired this week's tripe as, seeing as most of you have never heard of the TV shows I review, it seems pretty pointless reviewing them, so I'm looking at the classic Loony Tunes characters...
Surf's up for 'the cast of the Warner Bros animated shorts' aka 'The Mel Blanc Rant'...

Think of the Loony Tunes1 protagonists: Bugs Bunny, Tweety Pie, Roadrunner, Porky Pig, Speedy Gonzales.
Now, even though these are the good-guys... do you like them? I don't. Why? Because they have really bad personalities, they are cruel and usually sadistic!

Look at Roadrunner. He is extremely arrogant because of his speed, and poor Wile E gets destroyed because of the stupid bird's speed. All Wile E wants is food! In the desert he has nothing, but RR gets insumountable amounts of seed! Most of the people I have asked want Wile E to catch Roadrunner in the same way that they want Dick Dastardly to 'catch the pigeon'.
Now Tweety Pie... ugh! One of the world's best known brown-nosers. Every time something happens that canary is sucking up to Granny, or trying to gain sympathy with that annoying impediment- 'I tawt I taw a puddy tat'...
You've also got the little yellow thing tempting Sylvester the cat with the 'Don't yoo like me anymore Mr Puddy Tat?' or 'Quick! Got to find someplace to hide!' in which he jumps straight into Sylvester's mouth!
Porky Pig... another on the list of Sylvester torturers... when the cat is saving that ham sandwich from murderous rats... What does Porky do? 'Quiet Sylvester I'm trying to sleep!'
Sylvester's son doesn't help either. Sylvester spends his time trying to teach his son the ways of the kitty world, then you've got the kid continually 'Oh father! I'm so ashamed!'

But the leader in this gang of demons? That rabbit Bugs Bunny! He tries to get Daffy Duck killed by Elmer Fudd, continually dresses in drag, but the main thing... he tortures people with the slightest of provocation.
The horrible arrogance that bunny shows when blowing up antagonists and dressing up!
'Ain't I a stinker?'
This rabbit has been the bane of numerous WB characters: Daffy Duck, Wile E Coyote, Elmer Fudd, Yosamite Sam... and other, non-regulars.
In the bull-fighting episode, Bugs has taken the wrong turn at Albuquerque for the umpteenth time, and when the bull fights him, in the bull fighting arena, Bugs goes into his 'This means war' speech and totally destroys that bull for doing its job and fighting for survival!
The Daffy Duck episode where the animator is continually changing Daffy's appearance... Bugs was shown as the artist!
In the terrible 49% new footage 'movies', Bugs is a millionaire!
I don't like the bully! Cook him!

Small Screen Surfin'


04.09.03 Front Page

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1And Merry Melodies...

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