Society they are changing!

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On average last grade scolars have one cellular phone each. While some have none, others have three. They communicate for more then an hour dayly using the cellulars, and another thirty minutes on a wired phone. The average teen is less then a handful of numbers away from his friends. Nobody is a long time away, any other carrying his phone is just in reach. Even group activities concentrate around communication, collectively writing each other SMS messages. Cellular phones create less adventureous lifes, more like cows. Or more like.. what if the grid fails by power outage?

Last quik-end we experienced a cattle training. Walking the whole day just in pace with the crowd. We had to line up into queues to experience one after another, completely registrated adventure. By sitting in a comfortable chair we were taken 'underground', 'over the hills' and 'down the river'. The ultimate I have learned that quikend is I can accept lining up for an hour. The state of mind you need for such is however hard to reach. One has to accept it is not polite to just walk over the fences overtaking the crowd already waiting an hour. Studying the pavement proved to be a bypass to get adapted. Every line was set by other types of fences, mazing up from one end of a square to the other. Luckily we had not made a plan for this study, in our own pace we completed the two day course. We are still waiting for our degraduation forms to come over by snail mail.

Mooooooh? Mooooooooooooh!

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