There's a Doctor at the Gate - Chapter 6

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Clique Headquarters, a birds eye view

Chapter 5

Chuck, the Canadian technician1, tapped his earpiece and spoke.

'Dr Weir, the Doctor's ship has taken off. It's in the atmosphere and moving away from the planet.' he said. Weir, Jackson and the Doctor came running.

'Dr Weir, this is Major Lorne. I've had a report that the blue box has gone from the East Pier.' said a voice in her ear.

'Thank you, Major, I'm aware of the situation.' she replied.

'It's just Dr McKay, Dr Zelenka and the English girl were on board when it disappeared.' Lorne remarked.

'Thank you, Major.' she said. She turned to the Doctor. 'What's going on? Where's your assistant taken them?' The Doctor shrugged.

'I don't know. Rose can't fly the Tardis It must have sensed something and gone to investigate; it tends to do that sometimes.' he replied.

'Can you communicate with Rose?' Weir asked.

'Not unless you've got a phone.' he answered.

'Dr Weir, Daedalus is requesting permission to land.' said Chuck.

'Permission granted, but tell Colonel Caldwell we may need him to chase the Doctor's ship.' she replied.

'Yes, Ma'am.' he said.

Meanwhile, on the Tardis, McKay was trying not to lose his cool. 'Please tell me you can control this thing.' he asked. Rose shook her head.

'Only the Doctor can fly it. The Tardis knows what it's doing.' Rose replied. She patted the console. 'Don't let me down sweetheart.' she whispered.

'Apparently it's a symbiotic process. The Tardis was made for the Doctor and it reacts to him only.' said Zelenka.

'So I'm going to die in a police phone box!' grouched McKay.

'It depends on what we find at the other end.' said Rose.

Suddenly Zelenka slapped himself on the head and tapped his earpiece. 'Atlantis this is Zelenka. Can you hear me?'

In Atlantis' control room everyone jumped when they heard Zelenka's voice.

'Yes, Dr Zelenka, we can hear you. What happened?' said Weir.

'I don't know. It just started by itself when a ship appeared on the screen.' said Zelenka's voice. 'According to Rose this is not unusual.'

The Doctor looked around him. 'Let me talk to Rose.' he said. Chuck handed him an earpiece, the Doctor put it in. 'This is the Doctor. Can I speak to Rose?' he asked.

On the Tardis Zelenka took out his earpiece and handed it to Rose. 'The Doctor wants to speak to you.' he said. Rodney looked at him.

'Why didn't I think of that?' he said.

'You were too worried about dying in a Police phone box.' retorted Zelenka.

'Doctor, it's Rose. What's going on?' asked Rose.

'Go to the phone on the wall and dial the Hash key!' came the reply. Rose went over to a section of the wall, opened it, took the reciever off the hook and dialled. Radek looked at Rodney who just waved his hand in a 'I give up' gesture.

'Done.' said Rose into the phone. On Atlantis Rose's voice seemed to echo out of the walls. The Doctor took his earpiece out and handed it back to Chuck.

'Thanks! Rose, what does the ship look like?' he asked. On the Tardis the three of them looked.

'It's not Wraith.' said Rodney.

'No-one else I can think of.' said Radek

'I don't recognise it but the Tardis is trying to say something. There's writing at the bottom of the screen but I can't read it.' said Rose

'That's because it's Old High Gallifreyan.' replied the Doctor. 'Are you sure you can't describe the ship?' Rose looked at the data pad under Rodney's arm.

'Can that thing Email?' she asked. Rodney rolled his eyes.

'It can send a short data transmission. Hardly MSN but it works better.' he said.

'Doctor, I've got an idea. Give me five minutes.' Rose said. She went over to a cupboard and pulled out a computer cable. Next she pulled her mobile out of her back pocket and lined it up with the computer screen. The two scientists couldn't believe the answer was that simple. She was going to use her mobile to take a picture of the screen and download it to Atlantis.

'I don't believe I'm watching a teenager outsmart the brains of the Atlantis Expedition!' said Zelenka. Rodney just glared - he couldn't believe it either. Rose plugged her phone into Rodney's data pad and he sent the picture to Atlantis.

'Atlantis, you've got mail!' he said with a sigh.

Colonel Steven Caldwell entered the Atlantis Control Room with Sheppard following, explaining what had happened so far. 'Dr Weir,' he said in acknowledgement. 'Colonel Sheppard has bought me up to date. Do we know who the ship belongs to yet?'

'We're waiting on an 'Email' from the Doctor's companion. She's transfering a photo of the ship she took using her mobile phone.' Elizabeth replied. Caldwell looked at the scientists huddled together looking sheepish.

'You're kidding!' he remarked. She gave him an amused smile which he returned. Dr Miko Kusanagi finished downloading the transmission from Rose and brought it up onto the screen. When the Doctor saw it he gasped

'Oh no, no, no, no. Not the Cybermen! Not here!'

On the Tardis, the three occupants looked at each other and shrugged. The computer blipped and another ship appeared on the screen. Rodney and Radek looked and both sucked in a breath.

'Elizabeth, a Hive ship has just exited hyperspace and is joining up with the other one.' said Rodney.

There's A Doctor At The Gate Archive


01.06.06 Front Page

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1This particular character in the show doesn't have a name. For the purpose of this story he is named after the actor who plays him, Chuck Campbell.

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