Alabaster House Journal

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Someone holding a green flag with lots of people on it (Republic)

Y'all Come!

The Presidential Meet is just around the proverbial corner. It's time to dust off your traveling gear and make plans to attend.

Attention to those researchers who live in California or along the I-40 corridor: if you'd like to attend the meet but don't want to make the trip alone, Xantief is willing to pick you up along the way. He is starting out in northern California and taking the southern route to Missouri. He would appreciate having the company. So get in touch with him for details.

Also, those of you who are attending and who haven't gotten your t-shirt size to me need to do that.

I'm starting to get excited at the prospect of meeting US researchers in person and having the chance to become better acquainted. US meets are uncommon, due to the great distances that separate us. For this reason it may be a long time before we have another one. So I hope that those researchers who can come will do so. It is shaping up to be a fun experience.

On Monday, July 3rd, we will be doing some sightseeing during the afternoon. We may or may not float Elk River. It depends on how soon people get here and how many are interested in the float. But there is enough water in the river to do this, thanks to the extraordinary rain dance performed by Xantief.

If we don't float, we have a choice of several interesting outings. We could tour one of the large commercial caves in the area. Fantastic Caverns is the most unique in that is is the only ride-through cave in America. But there are several others in the area, as well. Or we could visit Big Brutus and Picher, Oklahoma and get a feel for the mining history of the area. Picher is one of the few places left in the area that has large tailing piles. The ones in Webb City have been removed. The city of Picher is interesting because the government is going to buy out the entire town and relocate the residents.

We'll have a cookout Monday evening and after dark we plan on going in search of one of the area's strangest phenomena: the famous Hornet Spook light.

July 4th events will begin with a brunch, followed by a visit to the Webb City Library. I'll open the computer lab for anyone who needs a hootoo fix and hasn't brought a laptop. Tuesday afternoon will be a time for visiting, games and general relaxation. The meet finale will take place on Tuesday evening, with the event that inspired the meet: my family's traditional July 4th cookout and fireworks display.

Y'all come!

The Presidential Meet information and sign-up page

The h2g2 Presidential
Election 2005 Archive


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