The h2g2 Poem

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Ode to Dad (or, Tour de France: A Day in the Life of a Fan)

My dad he is a funny man

He's not like most a football fan

What he likes is cycle racing

That's the sport that gets his rating.

He pedals along with the stars on the telly

While sat on the sofa he gives it some welly

He keeps up with Lance Armstrong mile for mile

As he travels across our room with panache and style.

Now Miguel Indurian had tremendous power

As he reached up to speeds of 50 miles per hour

But he couldn't beat Dad with the sofa unstable

As he ploughs right on through our coffee table.

So if you come to our house and you think it's weird

That we have the world's only sofa that's geared

Just look at my dad in his cycle pants

And you'll understand he's ready for the Tour de France.

smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

Poetry By Various Contributors


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