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RUPERT GILES played by Anthony Stewert Head
Giles attended a Oxford University in England where he met Ethen Rayne and started dabbling in the black arts, this is where he aquired the nickname "Ripper". Whilst going through this bad phase Giles and some friends called a Demon which resulted in the death of one of his friends. This demon was killed back then and came after him later on.
A squonk's tear
At first Giles wanted to be a fighter pilot or grocer but ended up choosing the family tradition of being a watcher like his father. Giles was sent to Sunnydale after Buffy's first watcher was killed in the capacity of a school librarian which suited Giles very well as he does love his books. Until the school was blown up in season three "The Graduation" after that he bought a magic shop where he works with ex demon Anya.
A scroll
Giles is like a father figure to Buffy he cares about her an awful lot, some say too much which is why he was fired by the watchers council in season 3. The scoobies really look up to Giles and respect him even though they constantly tease him about being a British book worm and dinosour they do really care for him a lot and with the absence of parent figures he is the closest thing they have to a parent and authority figure. Even though Giles is more of a researcher than a fighter he can look after himself rather well, he has all the skills of Buffy as he taught her all she knows he just doesnt have the super strength.
There has only been one love in Giles's life and that was Gypsy and IT teacher Jenny Calender who was sent to Sunnydale to keep an eye on Angel and Buffy. Giles and Jenny went through a bad patch when Giles found out this and that she had lied to him, but he cared for her a great deal and soon forgave her. But before they got a chance to really have a relationship Angelus killed Jenny. Giles was devistated by this and went after Angelus to kill him but with no luck Angelus nearly killed him but Buffy turned up and saved him. The relationship between Giles and Angel hasnt been the same since he is polite but you can tell he'll never forgive him.
A vision of hell
Giles is quite talented to he can speak five languages and he plays the guitar and even though he's a typical English stiff upper-lip gentleman he can still have a laugh and joke with the gang. Giles also slept with Buffy's mum Joyce once after another one of Ethen's bad spells which made all the grown-ups act like teenagers after eating his candy. Giles was extremley embarresed about this and wasnt able to even look at Joyce after that.Giles left for England after Buffy died but soon came back once he heard news she was alive again, but he wasnt at all happy with Willow for using such dangerous magics. But he was so happy to see Buffy again he didnt stay mad for long!


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