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FAITH played by Eliza Dushku
Faith first came to Sunnydale in season 3 after her watcher was killed by an old vampire she couldnt handle. She had heard of Buffy and the two of them faught and dusted him together. The they both carried on fighting well along side each other until one day Faith accidently killed the Deputy Mayor, thinking he was a vampire. All would have been ok if she had just gone to the watcher's council about it, but she didnt want to admit she had done anything wrong so instead she covered it up and then tried to blame Buffy for it. During this time Faith was having a slight sexual fling with Xander but all got out of hand when she nearly killed him and probably would have done if Angel hadnt walked in. Faith showed no remorse for anything she had done so the gang tried to talk to her, to help her through it but she was two far past that now and soon turned to the dark side and started helping the Mayor with his upcoming accension. Angel and Buffy play a trick on her pretending that Angel had turned in order to find out who's side she was really on and it worked, so they chained her up and just as Angel was starting to make headway with her Wesley storms in with the council and takes her, and manages to let her escape. She then tried to kill Angel which resulted in Buffy putting her in a coma after trying to get her blood to cure Angel. When she awoke she was very peeved about the whole missing the accension and the mayor dying thing so after being left a magical gift from the mayor she went after Buffy and swopped bodies with her for a while hoping to flee the country but her consience wouldn't let her leave when she saw on the news a group of vamps were about to eat a church full of people, whilst there she and Buffy faught again and Buffy switched back bodies with her. she then fled to LA where Angel talks her into giving herself up to the police after she kidnapped Wesley and tried to goad Angel into killing her. She breaks out however when an inmate tries to kill her and she figures something bad is going down so she goes to help fight the beast and is nearly killed by Angelus who had returned. She then goes back to Sunnydale to Help Buffy fight the first and train the potentials in season 7.


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