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DAWN SUMMERS played by Michelle Trachtenburg
Dawn Summers otherwise known as Lil bit was first sent to Sunnydale as a mystical key in the form of a human in season 5. She was sent to Buffy as a sister in order to protect her. She had a major crush on Xander for a while and then later on turning her attentions towards Spike, who she started hanging out with a lot. It was with Spike she first found out she was the key, when they broke into the magic shop and read Giles's journal. She was in a right mess after this and even cut herself in order to make sence of the not being human thing. Dawn went through a really bad time after this, first finding out her mother had a brain tuma and loosing her. This hurt Dawn real bad, she even tried to bring her back but before she could do ant damage she destroyed the spell. Then Glory the Hell God came after her and tried killing her in order to open a porthole to hell. Dawn was saved but she lost Buffy in the process. Dawn was just starting to deal with loosing her sister, when Willow brought Buffy back from the dead, Dawn was so happy to have her back but this didnt last for long because Buffy was too busy saving the world. Dawn felt as if Buffy didnt want to be with her and spend time with her. So she started stealing and her grades dropped and then she sneaked out and ended up dating a vampire and was nearly bitten but she staked him with a pencil andthen to top it all off she made a wish to Halfrek the Vengence Demon not realising of course, which made it so no-one could leave her, they were all stuck in the house. Nothing changed for Dawn until Buffy tried killing everyone after The Trio did some mojo on her. After that their relationship was much better, Buffy even let her go patrolling and let her help the scoobies with research. Dawn lightened up a lot after this and was much happier until the first came along and started messing with her head by mascarading has her mum. Dawn coped with it ok though. She wasnt at all happy though when Buffy got Xander to kidnap her and get her out of town, but they didnt suceed, She knocked Xander out and went right back to fight with the rest. Dawn as a real thing about being left out, When all she wants to do is fight with her sister.


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