Full Body Contact SnabGrab with weapons and body armour

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Full Body Contact SnabGrab with weapons and body armour is a card game.

It is an evolution of the original "Snap"

First of all, in "Snap", all the cards were dealt out to the players and the players would hold their pile face down.
They would take it in turns to turn a card over. As soon as someone saw 2 cards of the same number they shouted "SNAP!"
The first person to utter this word would get to keep all the face up cards and add them to their pile.
The winner is the person who ends up with all the cards.

SnapGrab evolved after countless close calls ended up with arguments over who actually said "SNAP!" first. In SnapGrab, as well as saying "SNAP!", you simultaneously GRAB the cards as well. This results in more than one person ending up with cards as well as a few crumpled cards.

People with long, sharp fingernails have a tendency to win this game

Full Body Contact SnapGrab involves a lot more interesting maneuvers, for example the "Down and Over".
As you shout "SNAP!" and grab the cards with your left hand, you simultaneously bring your right hand, formed into a fist, sharply forward until it connects with your opponent's nose. This knocks him back out of reach of the cards and makes his eyes water so that he cannot see them.

Once you add the weapons and body armour, tactics get a trifle more confused.

To counter the "Down and Over", as you both shout "SNAP!", you stab downwards into the centre of the table with your dagger in your right hand, thus pinning your opponents hand to the table, while simultaneously ducking down to the right with the cosh in your left hand brought over the top of your right arm.
As your opponent's right arm passes your face you bring your cosh into play with a swift backhand to the temple.
If this has been done correctly, no further cosh attacks are needed as your opponent is now unconscious and you can simply peel the cards out from underneath his fingers.

If, however, he's a more experienced player than you he will counter your counter. Your Dagger blade breaks off as it hits the reinforced back of your opponents gauntlet. The backhand cosh blow glances harmlessly against his helmet(which he was wearing a bobble hat over so you wouldn't notice)and now his left hand, which is of course NOT pinned to the table, is able to block any return blows with the cosh while his flick-knife, which you didn't notice concealed in his right fist, is now sticking in your ear.

This is where the concrete bunkers and Tactical Thermonuclear Warheads come in.

I have to admit that, unlike Surreality Rules BlackJack or Stream of Consciousness Sevens I haven't actually ever played this game. It should only ever be played by cartoon characters

It is however a stark reminder of how the most innocent seeming children's game can inadvertently lead to WORLD WAR.

I think there's a lesson in there for all of us

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