Escape Pod Dreams - 131

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The 'The Sixties Are Dead, Long Live The Sixty-somethings!" Issue

The New New blob

They had their chance to change the diaper of the world, now we're dealing with the overflow...

Once upon a time, oh, child of mine, there was a turning of the page in the book of time. The world went from smelling the ashes of a great war (the second, to be sure) to placing its head between its legs in anticipation of a mushroom in the sky. Many of the best minds of that generation went out and found some mushrooms for their interior clouds. They grew hair in places most kind-hearted people had forgotten it was possible to cultivate. They clutched guitars and brandished drumsticks and ate their fill of the holy brownies, tainted sugar cubes and boiled peyote buttons. Meanwhile, the unburied remains of the previous generation tightened their neckties around their stiff collars and imbibed forbidden cigars and twelve-year-old Scotch while planning to retake the world they'd lost once the 'w*gs' (a nasty little word nasty little pasty-faced mutants called anyone with a natural and God-given high melanin count) discovered Coca-Cola, Playboy and the AK-47. Thus, stupidity grew rampant on both sides of the ideological Berlin Wall that the 'free' peoples of the world had erected between themselves and their children, since they couldn't build a real one, as the EVIL EMPIRE of the Soviet Bolshies had already beat them to it and imitation is the sincerest form of impotency. Although plagiarism is okay if you are creative enough to make it interesting, as the Beach Boys found out as the latest form of white boys stealing from creative black men, even such an icon as Chuck Berry, who was in gaol at the time for violating the Mann Act. This was ironic because the Mann Act was a law prohibiting transporting underage white females across state lines for immoral purposes. Thus, the man persecuted the black fellow once more for engaging in a bit of turn-about, considering the number of black females that had been historically transported across datelines for immoral... never mind.

The New New blob

More reasons why nostalgia is a form of insanity:

1. 8:57 AM
As a child of the '60s', I didn't discover them until 1976!

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

2. 9:57 AM
I thought parents were supposed to parent and that other parents would make them if they didn't.

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

3. 10:57 AM
My borther.

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

4. 11:57 AM
The sixties and me

Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)

The New New blob

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