The h2g2 Poem

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The Owl

One day sudden rise of a question;

It tormented my unasked sense.

Everybody was looking for something;

Each of them was working hard.

They built houses,

They made educated kids;

They visited many places.

But, when they were at home,

I found there everyday

It was struck by twinkling,

The innumerable stars in the sky.

It was dark and deep night,

Some places in the sky were still open,

Open among the broken cloud;

A melancholy cry at midnight,

It awoke everybody;

The terror loomed in the silent room,

The terror of tomorrow.

Did they commit any crime?

No! They were thinking,

They were counting,

Counting yesterday, today, tomorrow,

The days of their own;

They found themselves everywhere except tomorrow,

Here they were absent,

Some will say they were good;

Others will be busy at their work,

The basic stream of the world.

Why did they fear owl's cry?

Why will they not be remembered?

Those who live fear death;

Those who die fear life.

The cry will go onward the same,

The question of the universe.

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