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Once upon a time

I used to play a game in a pizza parlour.

It was one of those thingies where you pick your vehicle and your country and your transmission and then you get the opportunity to pretend that you are in a race with other cars, driving at high speed down a highway through cities and countryside. If you ran into something or somebody, then they and you would flip and skid and then your vehicle would right itself and you would continue on your way unharmed until you lost or won the race.

I would cross my arms and let the steering wheel do it's thing while I just pressed my foot down on the accelerator pedal and just watched the mayhem ensue. Children and adults would stand and watch amazed as I laughed evilly and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

One of the irritating things about driving in the real world is that you are supposed to avoid everything and everyone.

The itch for contact is ever-present.

Give me a hug, give me sex, give me futbol, say the peoples, but don't contact my auto with your truck!

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