Uncle Sam and the Grateful Dead

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The Grateful Dead and Uncle Sam have an interesting relationship. The band's followers, the 'Dead Heads', have produced a great deal of artwork, much of which features imagery related to Uncle Sam. Sam's trademark hat, in particular, appears in many examples of dead-head artwork. The hat often is worn by a skeleton.

Uncle Sam also appears in the lyrics of the Dead song 'US Blues'.

Since the band and its legions of followers have something of an anti-establishment flavor, some critics have suggested that the Dead's use of Uncle Sam imagery is insincere. One music critic referred to the Dead's use of Uncle Sam's hat as 'inspired mockery.'

Band member Bob Weir, however, has stated that the band has respect for Sam, 'he's up there with Marilyn Monroe and Paul Bunyan and people you may not know, James Dean, Otis Redding, the great ballplayers. We have our pantheon, and one of the figures in the pantheon is Uncle Sam. He's sort of like the godfather figure of American culture. So we actually have a fair bit of respect for him. And he comes around in different guises, you know - in our little region, he comes around as a skeleton, but he's still wearing the same hat.'

The lyrics to US Blues

Red and white/blue suede shoes

I'm Uncle Sam /how do you do?

Gimme five/I'm still alive

Ain't no luck/I learned to duck

Check my pulse/it don't change

Stay seventy two/come shine or rain

Wave the flag/pop the bag

Rock the boat/skin the goat

Wave that flag

Wave it wide and high


Done come and gone

My oh my

I'm Uncle Sam /that's who I am

Been hidin' out/in a rock and roll band

Shake the hand that shook the hand

Of P.T. Barnum/and Charlie Chan

Shine your shoes/light your fuse

Can you use/them ol' U.S. Blues?

I'll drink your health/share your wealth

Run your life/steal your wife

Wave that flag

Wave it wide and high

Summertime done

Come and gone

My oh my

Back to back/chicken shack

Son of a gun/better change your act

We're all confused/what's to lose?

You can call this song/the United States Blues

Wave that flag

Wave it wide and high

Summertime done come and gone

My oh My

Summertime done come and gone

My oh My

'US Blues' - Words by Robert Hunter; music by Jerry Garcia. Copyright Ice Nine Publishing1

'US Blues Musical details: Key: A; Time signature: 4/4; Chords used: A, D, E, B, E7.

Songbook availability: Grateful Dead, Volume II Anthology

Recorded on: From the Mars Hotel; Steal Your Face; One From the Vault; Dick's Picks, v. 6.

Covered on Deadicated.

First live performance was February 22, 1974 at Winterland. First set opener. The tune remained in the band's live repertoire, occupying the encore position almost exclusively.
1The Grateful Dead have always made it a policy to allow their fans to reuse their materials in any way so quoting these lyrics does not 'technically' violate the BBC prohibition of printing song lyrics

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