There once was a witch from Nantucket...

2 Conversations

Very Bad Limericks for Halloween

Griselda the copper-haired witch

Got drunk and collapsed in a ditch.

When she tried to resume

She fell off of her broom -

Halloween can be a real bitch.

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A flyover on her broomstick

Caused Granny to take action quick.

A dreadful smellfungus

Was living among us -

A kilo of Deet did the trick.

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A withered up warlock named Al

Brewed up a potion most foul.

Bat guano, eye of newt

Hanged-man's bone, mandrake root -

One sip made his old gal Sal howl.

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There was an old lady so creepy

That one look at her made you sleepy.

Don't ring her doorbell

She might cast a spell -

'Less you want to be a frog leaping.

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A question, asked Sir Randolph Newell

Of a two-headed, three-legged ghoul.

Every Halloween night

You act such a fright -

Did you study deportment in school?

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A goblin, a werewolf and Fred

Had an argument over their bed.

There were crumbs on the sheets

From the cookies Fred eats -

So the werewolf ate Fred instead.

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There once was a vampire named Nat

Who lived with a very large bat,

A toad and three lizards

Who feasted on gizzards -

And a red-eyed, bubonic rat.

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We rise from the ooze and the mud

Covered with cobwebs and blood.

Trick or Treat, Trick or Treat

Give us something good to eat -

Or find yourselves pummeled with crud.

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There once was a witch from Nantucket

Who lived with a vampire named Puckett.

When a roll in the coffin

Left Puckett a coughin' -

She gave him a Vicks and said suck it.

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