Random Smileys.....

7 Conversations

currant motto: Utinam coniurati te in foro interficiant


Random Emotion (and) Smiley Trust (REST)

A smiley going through several mood changesGreetings , Are you fed up with only using specific smileys, only using smileys in context, and people who only use one or none smiley in their posts? Well so are we. Join us now!!!!

I want to join!!! my U number is ______!
Smileys :-)


Head/Creator: Kess

REST Members1. Kess2. Lampost_of_the_Babblefishes3. Cat-Eyes4. alsieboo5. cinnamon_spider6. 2legs7. Unconformity8. AK9. Wonko the (in)sane10. Ford-Prefect11. 2legs12. Atari

Anyone can apply for any other posts...

Browsersafe colours

Links etc...

A1154125 - CAVE.

A155909 - Smiley list.

A592102 - SAS (SATS).

A1916967 - The temple of smiley.

Happy random smiling!

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