This isn[t at ezzy ed it wookz...

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Essay writing, the teachers tell us,

is a skill.

It is an art.

It is not for everyone.

Ther abiilighty to marcel your thoughts into a coherent hole is supposed to be difficult for the unlettred and unwashed.
But maybe so they have only one thought. And that can be expresshed on a t-shirt.

Not to put that down, as I know that t-shirts are not the easiest thing to design.

Nor, for that matter, bumper stickers. Or headshop buttons.

An essay should be a pile of bon mots. Or mote jests, or whatever that thing is.

Well, this ain't.

As I said in my personal journal, I have been over and under-whelmed recently with the lack of, um, personhood and individuality within my customers and co-workers.

Plus, I'm having trouble shaving. I don't like it anymore. It's not me.

to get back to the point at hand, while there are many people who seem to swim in words, there are few who are truly memorable, who scribble or type what you would choose to read or read aloud over and over again. And there are fewer who can write in such a way that all you can do is nod your head and say, "That's exactly what I was almost thinking", to the point that you cannot remember who wrote it but it's part of your own personal vocabulary forever.

This is why I have so much trouble with theologians and historians and superstitious morons when it comes to the bible. The words that have managed to come through all the translations and emendations that truly ring in your spirit are all that are important. If those words owe their inspiration to a translator, then so be it. Sometimes the words are more important than the deity.

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