Devon Meet: 30 March - 1 April 2007

5 Conversations

A pair of rusty-coloured Dartmoor ponies.

Over the years, h2g2 researchers (people just like you!) have held a number of get-togethers - although great fun, these have often been in London, which quite frankly smells of the wrong things.

So, partly for a bit of fresh air and partly to stop Skankyrich prattling on about the place all the time, we decided to head to Devon for a weekend. Although arranged at very short notice, a few hardy souls will be making their way down to the fantastic National Park of Dartmoor for a weekend of ambling and drunkenness.

What's Going On, Then?

Well, on Friday 30 March, Researchers will be making their way to the Plume of Feathers pub, which has a great campsite and a few B&B rooms available. It's situated in the town of Princetown, right in the middle of Dartmoor, and serves great beer and food as well as being close to some superb walks. Although it's dead easy to find by car (turn off the A38 just after Ashburton, turn right and keep going) it's a little tricky to get to by public transport - ask below and you can be picked up from either Newton Abbot (nearest train) or Ashburton (nearest bus). Skankyrich can pick up from Exeter airport, but check before buying tickets!

The basic plan for the weekend is as follows:


Meet up at Princetown in the late afternoon - if you need picking up, try to get to Newton Abbot train station for about 3pm or Ashburton for 3.30. Put tents up at the Plume of Feathers, then wander round the Dartmoor Visitor Centre for a while, have a pint, that sort of thing. When all attendees are assembled, stroll up to South Hessary Tor (1km) for sunset, followed by dinner at the pub. If you can't get to Devon until later, let us know and we can collect you.


Breakfast either at the pub or Fox Tor Cafe, depending on how early we rise. Guided walk by Skankyrich on his favourite walk along the disused railway, maybe down as far as the quarries. Cross a short bit of open moor to Black Tor for a bit of dipper spotting with a bit of luck. Follow the Devonport Leat up to Crazywell Pool for packed lunch. Carry on to Nun's Cross Farm and Childe's Tomb, then pick a route across the infamous Fox Tor Mire, the bog that made Dartmoor's reputation. Back to Princetown. Whole walk is 6-9 miles depending on my mood, and is easily shortened, especially if you're not bothered about bogstomping. Pub for dinner.


Breakfast at whichever we didn't eat at the day before. Pack up and drive a short distance to Two Bridges for a morning ramble to Wistman's Wood, weird and spooky virgin Dartmoor forest, or a walk through coniferous woodland to Bellever Tor. Or pick a couple of beauty spots to drive to, there are plenty. Or even an easy bit of rock climbing if anyone's feeling dangerous. We'll decide on this in the pub on Saturday night, in true mountaineering style. Lunch either at the Tavistock Inn or Warren House Inn, both of which have great bits of folklore attached to them. Go home.

The last time Skankyrich camped at the Plume it cost £6.50 a night, though this might have gone up; main meals in there are £6-10 and breakfast is about a fiver. There's also a reasonably good chippy in Princetown if anyone is on a budget, and the Fox Tor Cafe has great breakfasts for a bit less than you pay at the pub.

If you fancy camping but don't have a tent, or don't want to walk without a fleece or waterproof jacket, let us know below. There is spare gear available to borrow, including tents and one damn good waterproof, but it's strictly first come, first served.

Skankyrich is a qualified 'Walking Group Leader', meaning that he has been assessed in bloody awful conditions and in darkness to check out his navigational skills. Although not a professed expert on anything, he reckons he knows enough to make the walks safe and enjoyable. And he thinks he can remember the way across Fox Tor Mires, too smiley - winkeye.

Bogstompers and Beersuppers

These are the hardy few who are definitely making the trip:

And hopefully we'll also see:

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