The Gods of Cow House

3 Conversations

The Gods of Cow House are as numerous as a [smudge] load of objects.

Here is The Godly Guide To Godly[not goddy] Cow Gods:

Where The Cow Gods Live:

The Cow Gods live in[or rent] the attic of the Cow House Headquarters House. They were given the location so as to make them high abouve our heads or at least five feet. They have givven this location a special divinely bovincial name: Mt. Godly Mountain Where The Gods Live

On the Gates of Bovincial Prosperity[the attic door] The Gods have placed a Holy Lock...why is it holy you ask, well it is holy so that you can put a key in it, hence the name keyHOLE...

This lock can only be opened by the Solid Gold Key[it's made of shiny copper] which is one of a kind[because it was crudely hand made and therefore none of the keys look the same]

The Gods of Cow House:

CHAPTER 21: The Great Listing of Unlisted Gods

Cow Dude Person God Guy Dude

This guy is kind of the leader of the gods[in a hushed but rapid voice]...selfproclaimed...mainly because he pays the largest part of the rent...[back to normal voice]

Greek Equivlent: Zues only less leader like

Alias:Cowicus Dudicus Personicus Godicus Guyicus Dudesu

Domain:All things with a temperature ranging from Luke Warm to Really Really Hot[think of a giant glob of the green stuff that comes with sushi hot]

Weapon of Choice:Giant Flaming Cow Branders Brand Giant Flaming Cow Brander 3000[the same one the godly pros use]


This god is not on the most friendly terms with Cow Dude Person God Guy Dude. Actually they are in a fierce legal struggle over a certain name calling as well as some looking at each other[who said gods had to be mature?].

Christian Patron Equivlent[France]: St. Clair[Patroness of Vision] only as a guy with a specticle

Alias:Three Eyed God of Blindness[he has a spectacle and is a god of vision or lack of vision]

Domain: He's essintially the god of light but he does not have absolute control over it. He can only bend light. He uses this to temporarily blind people by bending it and is therefore considered as the god of vision[realy more as the god of blindness]. He can bend it and make himself invisible. The only problem with this is that since he bends light so that it does not hit him he also keeps it from reaching his eyes and therefore he walks about running into things. It's a must not see I guess...anywho, it's a reallly funny. Oh and he can also bend light to increase vision clearity.

Weapon of Choice:Light bending techniques

Non-Resident Gods:

God of Funny Deputies Who allways End Up In A Jam:

Barney Fife

God of Cool Little Spytastical Secret Agent Gismos, Doohickies, Thingamajigs, and WhatYaMaCallIts:


God of Greatness

Me...okay maybe I'm not a god...But still I'm a [selfproclaimed] Grand Duke...

Still To Come:

God of Electric Apliances

God of Devilishly Under-handed But Xtremely Funney Pranks

The God of The Lack of Drawing Skills And The Excess of Stale And Xtreamly Old Jokes

God of Gasoline and Free Refills at The Soda Machine

The above god uses a Honda Gasoline-powered Generator

God of The Tree Huggers

The God of The Utalitarianismisticly Minded People

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