Rupert Giles (pt1)

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The Gormenghast novel with ivy growing round itRupert Giles
Giles comes from a family of Watchers, his father was one, as was his grandmother. At the age of 10, he was told that he was to follow the family and join the watchers council.
Giles attended Oxford university where he met Carlyle ferris, a man who had hunted and studied the she-mantis. He eventually lost his mind!

Giles finally rejected the family destiny and dropped out of University, choosing instaed to dabble in the occult, where he and 5 friends called Eyghon into being.
Prior to being assigned to Buffy, Giles was the curator at a museum in Britian. When told he was to be Buffy's watcher, he moved to Sunnydale and became the librarian at Sunnydale High. His first meeting with Buffy proves to be less than successful, she doesn't take anything he says too seriously. Giles' research leads to him discovering that Buffy will die when she faces the Master and he tries to find an alternative plan.
His experience in the occult help when a witch switches bodies with her daughter. He casts the spell to save Buffy and return Amy and her mother to their relevant bodies.
In a bid to find out more about a she-mantis preying on Sunnydale students, Giles contacts his old friend, Carlyle. But it was Buffy's surprise research that gave them the primary means of killing her.

While scanning books into the computers, Giles meets Jenny Calender, who helps him cast a demon from the internet after Willow accidently releases it by scanning the book he is contined in.
Giles faces his first ultimate horror when Principal Snyder puts him in charge of the annual Talent Show. When students start turning up dead, Giles finds out that The Brotherhood of Seven are responsible and the remaining demon needs a human brain to continue living. Giles is helping a 'magician' and has his head under the guillotine when this is discovered, thankfully Buffy gets there in time to save him.
When everyones nightmares start coming true, Giles gets lost in the stacks and forgets how to read, leaving the other scoobies to do the research. When it appears things cant get any worse, his nightmare of Buffy's death apparently comes true and his feelings for her are realised.

When he is caught practicing his chat-up lines on a chair, Buffy and Xander give him advice on the best way to ask Jenny out. He finally musters up the courage but babbles and fails to make his point clear, instead she asks him to the football game.
On halloween, Giles is reunited with an old adversary, Ethan Rayne. Giles' old persona of 'Ripper' is revealed and Giles kicks his ass for casting a spell that turns the scoobies into their costumes.
Giles and Jenny's relationship hits a rough patch when Eyghon returns, trying to kill both he, and Ethan. It possesses Jenny's body and she, understandably, is unhappy with him.
When he meets Jenny while patrolling, he tries to repair the relationship, but she accidently shoots him with a crossbow.
When he discovers her real reason for being in Sunnydale, they break up. Jenny does all she can to make it up to him and when he arrives home that evening, finds roses and wine. He goes up to his room only to find Jenny has been killed and placed in his bed.
When a ghost begins haunting the school a few days later, Giles' convinces himself that its Jenny with a message from beyond, although it turns out to be a student.
Angel kidnaps Giles in the hope of getting him to help with raising of Acathla. He tortures Giles and when Drusilla hypnotises him into believing she is Jenny, Giles tells him what he wants to know.

Want to know more? Read Giles(pt2) for more of the Watchers adventures.....

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