Eliza Dushku

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ELIZA DUSHKU (pronounced Dush-koo)

Eliza Patricia Dushku was born on December 30, 1980 in Boston, Massachusetts. She was raised in a staunch Mormon household with 3 older brothers, Aaron, Ben and Nate.

Eliza was discovered after a 5 month search for the perfect girl to play Alice opposite Juliette Lewis in "That Night". Since then she has been in several films and worked with actors such as Ellen Barkin, Robert DeNiro, Leonard DiCaprio and Paul Reiser.

Eliza has studied piano, drums and dance (jazz, tap, and ballet) Her previous acting experience include amateur presentations at the Watertown Childrens Theatre where she A Dominatrix and her Dog has been part of the company since she was in 1st grade. She still appears in productions, doing sign language for childrens shows!

Whenever Eliza is filming on location she always takes her own bed linen to make her feel more comfortable, and at the end of every film or tv shoot she takes the back of her 'directors chair' as a souvenier.

Eliza is half Albanian and half Danish!

Eliza's film credits include; "Bring It On" (with Clare Kramer, Glory), "The Kiss" (with Charlie Weber, Ben), "Wrong Turn", "City by the Sea", "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back", Race the Sun" and "True Lies"

Filming for Eliza's new tv show, "Tru Calling" has finished in Canada and should be on our screens in the UK soon!Back To Buffy Home Page

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