First Annual Thingite Awards, December 2003

13 Conversations

Call for Nominations

It's December, and that means it's time for meaningless awards!

This is your opportunity to give your favourite postings the recognition they... er... "deserve". smiley -

Each thread from this page will constitute a "Category" - I'll start off a few, but feel free to add any you think I've missed. Just post links to the postings you want to nominate on the appropriate thread; explainations are allowed, but optional. Some postings just require no further explaination. smiley -


All postings must be from h2g2 (Sorry, no Hub, Buffy etc. please...smiley - )

You can nominate anyone's postings, including your own.

Any category that only has one entry will be disqualified; only start a new category where you think others will add contenders. smiley -

All postings nominated must date from 12th December 2003 or earlier, to prevent anyone making new postings just to win a category.smiley -


At some point between Christmas and the end of December (actual date TBA, probably December 28th) nominations will be closed and voting lists will be drawn up. The voting page will be publicised on the "No no no!!!" thread.

Shock Update!

Voting page is finally up here!!! Only just over a month late! smiley -

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