DOYLE'S BIO (Angel Research)

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Alan Francis Doyle was born in 1974 and raised by his human mother. He became a third grade teacher and helped out as a volunteer in the local soup kitchen. He fell madly in love with Harriet, nicknamed Harry and the two of them got married just before he turned twenty. Everything seemed fine until he turned 21 one and his father's heritage made itself known just when he and Harry were talking about having some kids of their own.

Turns out his mom never told him that his father had been a demon. Since he looked to human she had been hoping that she wouldn't have to. Doyle didn't take to kindly to the revelation that he was a Brachen demon or that he could assume a blue, spiky demon face.

After getting over her initial shock Harry tried to encourage him to accept and explore his demon heritage, but convinced that she had nothing but pity for him, Doyle wallowed in self-loathing, ultimately driving her away. They finally divorced in 1999, when Harry came to LA and asked him to sign the divorce papers so she could marry again.

He had also started to drink and to gamble and when Luke, a Brachen cousin from Montana, came asking him for help for his clan, still reeling from the discovery of his own demon-half, he refused to have anything to do with them. Later that night he got his first vision showing him Luke and all of his family dead.

In 1999 he was sent by The Powers That Be to Angel to guide him with his visions to people that needed his help as well as to make Angel understand that he needs to keep in touch with humans so he won't lose his own humanity and become as bad as the monsters he fought against.

One of the advantages of working with Angel was that it allowed Doyle to be close to Cordelia, also working for Angel. He was very much attracted to her but afraid that if she ever found out about his demon-half his slim chances with her would be reduced to non-existent.

He came to be good friends with Angel and came to admire the vampire's commitment to fighting the good fight. When Angel was determined to disable a light-bomb that would have killed not only them but the demons they were trying to save at the price of his own life, Doyle pushed Angel off the platform and took his place. He went out a hero in a blaze of light, but before he did, he kissed Cordy, transferring his mind-numbing, bone-crushing visions to her, so that Angel wouldn't be left without direction.

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