Small Screen Surfin'

2 Conversations

Well... what to do this week? The fact that Frasier is ending? No. Friends? Sex
and the City?
No. That Samurai Jack the game, is being voiced by the star: Phil
LaMarr1? Not that either. Besides I've summed it up just then.

This past Sunday I was watching Saturday Night Live, the variety show from New York
which began the careers of many of Hollywood's comedy talent like Mike Myers and *sigh* Rob
Schneider... Anyway, as I watched I felt that it was time that Britain had another surge of these
variety performances as well, if anything, give us some sit-com talent. Not only that but it would fill
Saturday night with a decent programme again. Even when we had Noel's House Party and
The Generation Game it was enough to make Saturday night fun. It was just messing around
for the weekend before work began again. Now all we have is Ant and Dec's Saturday Night
. And that isn't regular thanks to the Geordie boys spending their time with coverage
of Jordan's moustache 2 on
I'm Supposed To Be A Celebrity... Get Me a Job!3

Anyhoo, we need entertainment on a Saturday night again which does not mean something along the

lines of the most recent Royal Variety Performance that was so varied in its line-up of
pop-music. Nor does it mean 'unique' world record attempts with methane or any orifices. It just
seems that we could do without the fact that Saturday is becoming another Sunday (as far as TV is
concerned) where nothing interesting is on anymore. The lottery. Wow. A film from the 1990s

again. Cool. The satellite channels are no better with their repeats then the lottery results
turn up out nowhere at the bottom of the screen. We need programmes that demand a group of mates

around and a pizza. Yes, I know House Party didn't do that but that's a sidetrack.

Animals' Funniest Maulings 13! and Celebrities Say The Funniest Swear-Words
just doesn't cut it! Hold your head in shame at family games show and video-clip shenanigans and call
for entertainment on a Saturday night!!!!! Or go to the pictures, your choice4.


And now: A Small Screen Supplement...

Director's Commentary, an average programme. Seems Rob Brydon as Peter DeLane trying

to make talking about a TV programme funny doesn't work that well. One review I read introduced
it with a reference to Mystery Science Theatre 3000. The difference there is that they're
making fun of '50s B-Movies and it's more than one voice. The kind of thing a group of mates can do
a Saturday night- ripping movies to bits. Quite fun...

Apology - Last week's SSS had a supplement on a 'weatherman'. This turned out to be former
sports-journalist David Icke.

Keep Surfin'!

Small Screen Surfin'


05.02.04 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1Who? We-ell he's the voice of Hermes Conrad on Futurama and Marvin

in Pulp Fiction
2Oh it's there, you just have to look higher.3Sorry, but you know I hate
reality TV shows. Don't confuse reality TV with documentary, however.
4Make a
really bad film popular so Awix is almost obliged to review it!

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