Clan Brujah

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Vampire the Masquerade
smiley - vampire
The Eternal Requiem

Basic Information

  • Name - Brujah
  • Nickname - Rabble
  • Pronunciation - Broo - shar
  • Faction - Camarilla
  • Disciplines - Potence, Celerity, Presence

About the Clan

Clan Brujah are known for being passionate, if a cause if worth fighting for then they will happily fight, and die for it. In days gone past they were much respected as a unified force that fought only for causes they believed in; however, tonight's Brujah seem less like a clan and more like a mob. Punks, terrorists, revolutionaries, criminals, gangbangers and the like make up the Brujah; the clan seems to be united in nothing save its contempt for the institutions of vampire and mortal society.

The Camarilla seemed to have a cause worth fighting for long ago, and the Brujah have never left; either through familiar comfort or through sheer laziness.

Despite their recalcitrance, however, Brujah are valued as warriors; they are perhaps the most dangerous vampires in a straightforward battle. To anger a Brujah is nigh on suicidal - and Brujah are notorious for their tempers.

Clan Disciplines

A Discipline is a special power a vampire can use; however, the usage of these powers causes fatigue and they can’t be used for long.

  • POTENCE - Potence is a form of super-strength, using potence means you can hit harder and lift heavier objects
  • CELERITY (sell - air - ity) - This is super-speed, basically you move at double the speed of humans for a set amount of time; if you shorten the time able to do it then you can move faster
  • PRESENCE - Presence is the means to make others like you. With Presence on people will be more inclined to talk to you, trust you and obey you. It is not mind control, but rather a manipulation of emotions.

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