Clan Baali

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Vampire the Masquerade
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The Eternal Requiem

Basic Information

  • Name - Baali
  • Nickname – Devils
  • Pronunciation – Bah - lee
  • Faction - Sabbat
  • Disciplines – Dominate, Presence and Obfuscate

About the Clan

The Baali. The mere mentioning of their name sends a shiver down the undead spines of many Kindred. While other clans and bloodlines are feared for their skills in assassination, or in the workings of blood magic, or for the political power they can wield, the Baali are feared universally for a far more unsettling reason: they're pure evil.

No other group of vampires has so totally dedicated itself to evil. Not even the corrupters of Set can hold a candle to the force of darkness that is the Baali. These reclusive and enigmatic vampires have dedicated their existence to the exploration of unholy powers and knowledge. Many rumours are whispered in darkened chambers about these vampiric demons, and truth is indistinct from fiction.

One thing is certain though, a truth above all else: The Baali are evil. Their bloodline's weakness, enhanced sensitivity to holy symbols and manifestations of divine forces is a testimony to their unholy origins. The Baali are universally hunted, and as a result they tend to pose as other clan's members. Once a Baali is discovered for what it is, a bloodhunt inevitably follows; only the Sabbat can tolerate such a clan, they are useful as foot soldiers and information gatherers.

Whatever plans the Baali might have for the future, it is sure to bode ill for the rest of the world. Only God knows what impulses drive their black souls.

Clan Disciplines

A Discipline is a special power a vampire can use; however, the usage of these powers causes fatigue and they can’t be used for long.

  • DOMINATE - This is mind control, the Kindred must have eye-contact with the intended victim and the command must be simple.
  • PRESENCE - Presence is the means to make others like you. With Presence on people will be more inclined to talk to you, trust you and obey you. It is not mind control, but rather a manipulation of emotions.
  • OBFUSCATE -(Ob - fuss - cate) - Not quite the ability to become invisible, more the ability to become so un-noticed that one just fades into the scenery.
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