Clan Follows of Set

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Vampire the Masquerade
smiley - vampire
The Eternal Requiem

Basic Information

  • Name – Followers of Set
  • Nickname – Setites, Snakes
  • Pronunciation – Set - ites
  • Faction - Independent
  • Disciplines – Celerity, Presence and Dominate

About the Clan

The Followers of Set are often associated with corruption. They are masters at the game of boons, spreading their vile influence though devious manipulations of Kine and Kindred. Notorious for their ties to illicit operations, these Snakes can provide you with whatever you want... for a price.

Yet not all Setites are drug-running, arms-dealing corrupters. A sizable portion of the clan seems to dedicate itself to gathering arcane lore, and as a result some Followers have access to fragments of ancient scriptures that many an elder would give his most trusted Childe to possess. The Setites are, of course, willing to trade this information.

The Setites claim to descend from an ancient Egyptian deity, the serpent god Set. Whether this deity was in fact an Antediluvian or truly a divine being is subject to debate. To this day the clan's origins continues to influence it greatly. The clan prefers recruits from Egyptian lands, and many of the Snakes' codes are derived from old Egyptian beliefs. Setite temples, their gathering places, are often decorated with hieroglyphs depicting tales of Set's heroic deeds.

The Setites can be valuable, albeit dangerous, allies. They can provide one with nearly any item desired, yet their bargains always come with a snake in the grass. Be wary when dealing with the Followers of Set; a great many Kindred has fallen for their manipulations, and none come out of a deal with the Snakes unscathed. It is wise to keep in mind that corruption is the goal of the Setites, and while they may seem to be a true friend, a Snake's loyalty is always to himself first.

Clan Disciplines

A Discipline is a special power a vampire can use; however, the usage of these powers causes fatigue and they can’t be used for long.

  • POTENCE - Potence is a form of super-strength, using potence means you can hit harder and lift heavier objects
  • CELERITY (sell - air - ity) - This is super-speed, basically you move at double the speed of humans for a set amount of time; if you shorten the time able to do it then you can move faster
  • DOMINATE - This is mind control, the Kindred must have eye-contact with the intended victim and the command must be simple.
A snake entwined around a ladder.

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