Non-Christians for Sexual Abstinence

8 Conversations

Welcome to Non-Christians for Sexual Abstinence

Why We Exist

In Western nations, especially the US, Christian groups have turned the idea of abstinence into a Christian topic; they've promoted it as part of Christianity to the point where anyone who practices it is assumed to be some sort of conservative Christian.

As a non-Christian who intends to practice virginity until (and after, of course) death, I find this a bit annoying.

Thus I'm setting up this as a place for non-Christians who chose to practice absinence (and Christians who do so for non-religious reasons) to post their views and support for the idea.

Sign Up

If anyone would like to join my listing of members, please let me know on the thread entitled "Sign Me Up".

The only requirements are that you are, for the time being committed to sexual abstinence and that you aren't doing so because you feel your Christianity requires you to.

Optional: In your sign-up posting on the thread, state your religion and reasons for abstinence if you wish. When I get a chance I may add this to the list of those who've signed up.

Obviously, if you change your mind and stop practicing abstinence, tell me and I'll take you off the list.


U519437 kindly designed this badge, which you may post on your user-page if you wish:

Non-Christians For Abstinance
smiley - ok

Researchers Who've Signed Up

  • U581215
  • U187234
  • U201118
  • U519437
  • U675186
  • Former Members

  • U236290

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