Random Ramblings

3 Conversations

So now I missed the deadline for this week's submissions — that's what happens when there's such a long break between publications. I'm a procrastinator, me, I can never get things ready in time. I meant to sit down and collect my thoughts much earlier, then I read a post in a journal which made me wonder whether I should go on writing my Random Ramblings, and decided not to; after all, there's only so much I can write without repeating myself ad nauseam. I discussed this with some friends who said I should go on regardless, and then I ended up forgetting the time.

I browsed the Archives of The Post a bit — have you ever done so? If not, you really should! There are some gems to find, like The Complete Fragilis Archive which covers the change from the old editing process back in 2000 to the 'new' Peer Review process which was introduced later in the year, as well as much more relevant info about h2g2 and the things that keep us occupied. Well, they keep me occupied. There are Kat's articles Focus on Peer Review, making my efforts of getting people involved in Peer Review and the volunteer schemes in general look very feeble indeed. Oh, for having the time to read it all!

Well then, after all this reminiscing, what's new in hootoo land? We lost our beloved DNA Messages! They now read BBC auto-messages. The reason given for this change is that members from other DNA message boards were confused by the DNA bit. Ho humm. I was wondering whether to start a 'Bring back the DNA messages' campaign, but as apparently only a few observant researchers noticed the change, and the resonance for kea's question on Ask h2g2 being very meek, it's probably not worth the effort.

Something that was worth the effort, though, was an attempt to recruit some new Scouts, after some long-standing scouts had recently left the scheme because of RL commitments. We now have two returnees, namely Eco Worrier and Mr Dreadful and two brand-new (to the Scouts, that is) ones, namely benjaminpmoore and SWL. Welcome all Scouts, old and new! smiley - applause

We do tend to throw new Scouts in at the deep end, and this time is no exception: right now, PR has seen various submissions of completely unsuitable entries for inclusion into the Edited Guide, so let's see what our new volunteers make of that.smiley - winkeye

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