Space Fortress Jormungand: base of operations for the: Terranic Space Forces

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Welcome to Space Fortress Jormungand

Space Fortress Jormungand

Space Fortress Jormungand is somewhat large spherical station with a ring of docking bays, missile ports, and other weapons for defense. The space station is three kilometers wide and houses most of the fighters and space marines for the defense of Terrania.

Uncle Vercingetorix wants YOU for the Terranic Space Forces now!


Space Marshal:His Divine Shadow, Count of Phlogos


Ships of the Space Forces

Fleet Command Ship:the Pride of Terrania

the Commadore Excelsior's ship:the Bounty

Feel free to visit the Jormungand

Believe it or not, there are usually many people like to visit the Jormungand. It's a monument to the power and technological superiority of Terrania.

Jormungand: Main Docking Bay

Jormungand: Rec Room

Jormungand: Mess Hall

Jormungand: Command Center

Jormungand: Space Martial's Quarters

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