Polos - The Mint with the Hole

2 Conversations

Polos are small round mints made by Nestlé. They are pressed mints that come in a variety of flavours, such as Original and Spearmint. Their main distinguishing feature is the word 'Polo' printed around the ring and the fact that the mint has a hole in the middle. Their ingredients include; Sugar, Glucose Syrup, Modified Starch, Stearic Acid, and Mint Oils. They are usually sucked until they are thin and spindly and crushed under the eater's teeth.

They are found in all major and minor newsagents and sweet shops and are usually sold separately in tubes just under 12cm tall containing 25 Polos, but can be found in multi-packs of four and six. A few years ago, Mini Polos were released. They were packaged in a large plastic Polo and were about a fifth of the size of a regular Polo. Another, more sickly, flavour was released soon after, Orange. The Orange Mini Polos didn't take off and the Mini Polo range has disappeared from sight.

Another failed attempt of cashing in on the Polo name was a short-lived experiment, where Nestlé released a package with the round middles of Polos that could fit in the middle of conventional Polos. However, as they say 'Original and Best.'The conventional Polo has stood the test of time and spawned many offspring, but none as successful as the original.

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