FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eleven - "Euro 2004"

10 Conversations

Well hello there , and welcome to this, the eleventh competition of the Official h2g2 Fantasy Football Leaguesmiley - smiley

This time around we are all off on our summer hols to the sunny Southern nation that is Portugal. Now we're not just going there to soak up the sun and practice our golf-swing, no, there is work to be done down whilst we are there!

This year it is Portugal's turn to host the quadrennial version of the World Cup (minus Argentina and Brazil) commonly referred to as Euro 2004™smiley - bigeyes

The Rules & Regulations

1) How the game is structured

The management will create a thread with a list of games, as per the timetable at the bottom of this page. The list is likely to be of at least 5 games for the first three rounds of the competition - ie the group stages.

Subsequent lists will be a bit shorter due to the short time span between the end of the group stage and the start of the quarter finals. To mention nothing of the lack of teams still left in the competition after said group stages.

2) How to play the game

What you as the player does is to use your knowledge, skill, guile, and possibly one of those funny supplements that were included in all of the national newspapers in the week before the tournament kicked off to predict:

  1. The match score
  2. The name of a player that you think will score in the match

Then post your answers to the appropriate thread1. Now you just hang around waiting for me to come back from work2, calculate your scores, post the results in the thread and update the League Table.

3) Scoring the points

This is exactly the same as it has been for the last four or five seasons. But for the benefit of any new players that we've attracted3, I'll repeat them once again.

  • Two points for the correct result - win, lose or draw
  • One bonus point for the correct score line
  • One point if the selected scorer scores at any time during the game
  • One bonus point if the selected scorer scores the first goal in the game

These then get totted up and tabulated in the Fantasy Football League Table below.

4) What if I'm going to miss a round?

Well now here is a change from the previous competitions...

If you miss a round then that is just your tough sh*t smiley - monster

So why the harsh approach I hear you ask.

That's simple, the Fantasy Football Pools Panel has been suspended for this competition because:

  1. There will be football on the telly, the radio and in the papers 24/7 all the way through June. Therefore you've got absolutely no excuse for forgetting to post your selections smiley - tongueout
  2. Did I mention that I've got loads of work commitments in June? I'll have barely enough time to do my work, watch the football and update this page. I'll certianly not have time for running around chasing up any of you forgetful oiks smiley - nahnah

Therefore I shall reiterate my usual advice on how to stay abreast of developments in the Fantasy Football Competition, and suggest that you subscribe to this page to ensure that you don't miss out on any games!

5) What do I win? smiley - bigeyes

Apart of course from the respect, and in some cases envy, of your peers, there is a fantastic REAL LIFE prize that will be awarded.

The competition winner will recieve a totally genuine and officially BBCi logoed...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - wowh2g2 mousematsmiley - wowsmiley - biggrin

League Table

Final Position:

RankResearcherTotal PointsRes H-T W/L/DCorrect Score BonusScorer1st Scorer Bonus
2.Number Six3824374
3.McKay The Disorganised3726641
8.Demon Drawer3520384
15.Master B2622130
15.Otto Fisch2612284
18.Alfredo Marquez2214152
19.Boxing Baboon22000



Round Winners

Full Houses

Previous Season Winners

Click here for the h2g2 Fantasy Football League 'Hall of Fame'


Click here for the h2g2 Fantasy Football League Homepage

1Note - all selections are final. So if you post it, you've got to stick with it!2I tell you, I've got some seriously heavy work commitments all the way through June, and I am not a happy boy about thatsmiley - cross3* waves hello to the newbies * smiley - smiley

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