Small Screen Surfin'

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Think of this as the repeat of SSS or a clip show (10% newfootage) edition as I just add the answers to last week's questions...

  1. 'The world don't move to the beat of just one drum...' is a lyric killed by Awix but what what is the name of the show that it belongs?

    Diff'rent Strokes

  2. Chris Barrie, Red Dwarf's Arnold Rimmer, has just began presenting a documentary about various engines... What's the programme?

    Chris Barrie's Massive Engines

  3. What colour are Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po respectively?

    Purple, green, yellow and red.

  4. A mother got her young daughter to name her next child. Who of the above Teletubbies did the girl name her sibling after?

    Laa Laa, obviously!

  5. Which famous well known Steve Coogan character is the unwanted proposed 60ft statue in Norwich of?

    Alan Patridge... 'A-ha'

  6. Name three TV shows of which said character is featured.

    The Day Today, Knowing me, Knowing You... with Alan Patridge and I'm Alan Patridge

  7. Anita Dobson sang 'Anyone Can Fall In Love' which were lyrics put over which TV soap's theme tune?


  8. Master Bates and Roger the Cabin Boy are (unfortunately) names of characters in which children's TV show?

    Captain Pugwash or a trick question *cough*

  9. Victor Meldrew's catchphrase is?

    'I don't believe it!'

  10. Who is the new Doctor Who?

    Christopher Eccleston

  11. Rowan Atkinson's character in Johnny English stemmed from a character he played in adverts alongside 'Boff'. What was the product they were trying to sell?

    Credit cards.

  12. Tony Blair in The Simpsons episode 'The Regina Monologues' was mistaken by Homer for who?

    Mr. Bean

Keep Surfin'!

Small Screen Surfin'


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