Random Ramblings

2 Conversations

So, what's new since the last edition? It looks as if the floods have receded and England is back to normality — well, except for Surrey, where they had an outbreak of the dreaded Foot and Mouth disease this week. Inconveniently for holiday makers, the channel tunnel had suffered from a power break, which meant that trains were delayed for hours. Just the usual madness, then. Meanwhile, on hootoo things have slowed down even more. The Coming Up page currently only has three (!) Entries that are back from the sub-eds and the supply of picked Entries with or without sub-eds is frighteningly low. I would write something, if only I knew what about. I guess I should go out more, that would probably give me some ideas.

As it is, I'm struggling to find something to write about for this submission. Hootoo has gone very quiet, with many people being away for their summer holidays. Fortunately, the German Department of the Language Thing has picked up again, thanks to a recent influx of German and German-speaking Researchers. If you are interested in learning or practising foreign languages, why don't you have a go?

There should hopefully be an article from Felonius Monk about climate change. At least, that was what he said he'd do when he left me a message the other week. I think I'm not the only one who missed our Mr Inquisitor in the last couple of h2g2 Post editions. When going to Psycorp's place to find out about the whys and wherefores, supported by Mr Dreadful, we were informed that Mr Inquisitor is very busy in RL, but hopes to write a new article soon. In case you miss his column, why don't you go and tell him so? It's always nice to have some feedback!

But before I forget: there is indeed something newsworthy going on. The next h2g2 London Meet is being talked about. Currently people are still trying to agree on a month. Don't miss your chance to say whether you'd prefer an autumn meet or a winter meet. Votes are being collected here: London Meet. Go on, you know you want to attend a meet!

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